(in alphabetical order)
Under 14’s
Bright, Zane 68
Deering, Brody 89
Hamriding, Jalen 13
Hourigan, Brad 54
Hutton, Beau 103
Marshall, Sam 36
McGregor, Luke 92
Middleton, Harri 39
Middleton, Oli 28
Monington, Zac 11
Murdoch, Riley 70
Murray, Jack 51
Nancarrow, Jack 52
Oliver-Mcgrath, Taelen 0
Poel, Brady 53
Rodda, Joey 88
Taura, Ben 0
Van Zuylen, Rueben 53
Walker, Daniel 62
Wardle, Josh 80
Wendlandt, Harrison 12
Wilson, Ryan 48
Wisdom-Brasher, Ruben 0
Games played for the U/14 Team at the completion 2014 Season.
Patrick Bowden 71(C/Park 57-W/End 14).
Liam Deering 46.
Brodie Goodwin 38.
Jake Groves 51.
Chad Hall 61.
Samantha Hawkes 63(Oakleigh JFC 57-W/End 6).
Tye Hourigan 99.(W/End 85-Interleague 14).
Riley Jenkins 37.
Nik Kyriacou 67(C/Sts 26-W/End 41).
Jacob Lambert 81.
Jay Nichols 89(TEDAS 58-W/End 31).
Matt O'Neill 70(P/Hill 34-W/End 36).
Jack Pavey 59(Youth Club 28-W/End 31).
Dean Ravenhall 42.
Linus Rodda 92(W/End 87-Interleague 5).
Nicholas Rodway 41(P/Boys 27-W/End 14).
Jacob Ryan 90.
Will Ryan 74(City Juniors 11-West End 59-Interleague 4).
Jai Slaby 104(W/End 100-Interleague 4).
Brodie Tipping 68.