The club held their AGM on Monday night and it was pleasing to see the amount of support from everyone. Stuart Roe stood down as Presiden for the 2012 season and was congratulated by Jim Cullen on his commitment to the football/netball club in the last 3 years. Stuart has done a tremendous job to get the club where it stands now and was ably supported by Katie Farrell. Thanks a lot for your time and guidance.
Bob Bourke was elected as new President for the 2012 season with Mick Haynes as his Vice President. Deb Garlick and Katrina Chellew will remain in their positions as Secretary and Treasurer.
Our new committee comprises of plenty of new faces, these being: Scott Baldwin, Carl Cummins, Ash Crawford and David Farrell with Tim Garlick, Peter Howell, Stuart Roe, Jeremy Cardillo, Tim Farrell, Nathan O'Connell, Marie Farrell, Natalie Brentnall, Jordan Haynes, Natasha Wallace and Malcolm Haynes re-electing for another year. This is a fantastic start to the 2012 season and we hope to be and to get as much support as possible.
Anyone out there that would like to help in some small way with the club next year could come and have a talk to any one of our committee.
Under 14's - What a great game boys. You played really well and fought right up to the final siren. The tackles that you laid were great and just the intensity that you all displayed was first class. So keep it up boys and let's finish the season off on a high.
Under 17's - Not much of a report this week as your coach had to quickly get changed and fill in for the twos. Let's finish the season off well today and put everything on the line. Thanks for a great season boys you should all walk around with your heads held high.