The RUPANYUP FOOTBALL NETBALL CLUB is a UNITED, PROFESSIONAL and SUCCESSFUL football netball club that provides ROLE MODELS for the community.
As a club we live by this vision in the following ways:
- Being a united club that is loyal, inclusive, admired and one that is respected by our opposition, our league and our leagues officials.
- Creating a professional environment through discipline, determination and motivation.
- Being a successful club that is tough and feared within the league, whilst also providing an environment that is innovative and where our individual players can develop and achieve measurable increases in overall performance.
- Creating role models by professionally developing our junior footballers and netballers, being honest and fair to all opponents and umpires and being competitive in all grades of football and netball.
Senior Premierships:
Wimmera District Football Association- 1891, 1894, 1899;
South Wimmera Football League- 1936;
Wimmera Football League- 1961, 1963, 1973;
Horsham District Football League- 1985, 1986, 1990, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2001.
Reserves Premierships:
Horsham District FL- 1981, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986, 2009, 2012.
Junior Football Premierships:
Wimmera Football League- 1970 (U16), 1976 (U16)
Netball Premierships:
Horsham District NL- 1981 (U16), 2002 (U15), 2004 (U17)