Otway Districts Football Netball Club
The Otway Districts Football Netball Club recognises that passive smoking is hazardous to health and those non-smoking club members and visitors have the right to be protected from exposure to tobacoo smoke.
Accordingly, the following policy shall apply to all club facilities, functions, meetings, and activities undertaken by the club and will apply to all members, officals, players and club visitors.
All club facilities are to be completly smoke free and shall include:
The social rooms inclusive of bar, kitchen, meeting room, toilets & storage area
Player change rooms inclusive of warm up areas, toilets & showers, medical room & property room
Cigaretts will not be sold (including vending machines) at any time at or by the club.
Players, Officals & Coaches:
Coaches, players, trainers, volunteers & officals will refrain from smoking and remain smoke free while involved in an offical capacity for the club, on and off the field.
All club functions including social and fundrasing events and meetings are to be completely smoke free.
Ashtrays will be removed from all club facilities.
Cigarette butts bins will be provided at outdoor locations for smokers to dispose of cigarette butts before entering/or re-entering smoke free areas at club facilities.
Smokers leaving the designated licensed area of the clubs social rooms will not be permitted to take alcohol from that area.