AFL Victoria commitment to the Child Safe Standards and the safety of children in our organisations is a compulsory requirement from January 1st 2017, and will be constantly evolving as further work and procedures are put in place.
AFL Victoria have developed guidelines for Clubs, Leagues and Associations to follow to ensure the sport is doing everything possible to prevent child related offences.
Under the Act, a person involved in football is considered to be engaging in child related work and must apply for the WWCC if they:
- Work or volunteer in a role that brings them into contact with children under 18; and
- Volunteer or do this work on a regular basis; and
- Have direct contact with children under 18 which is not directly supervised; and
- Do not qualify for one of the exemptions in the legislation (subject to AFL Victoria policies).
It is against the Law for a person who is required to but has not obtained a Working with Children Check to engage in child-related work, including volunteering.
It is also against the law to knowingly employ a person who has not obtained a Working with Children Check in child-related work if they are required to have one, including volunteering.
Club Responsibilities:
1) Ensure that each adult (18 years and older) who seeks to hold, or currently holds, a position of responsibility or authority with children must seek and maintain a valid working with children check. "A person in a position of responsibility or authority" includes;
All Executive Committee member’s i.e. President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, as well as Canteen Manager / Supervisor;
Coach of a team;
- Team Manager of a team;
- Club Trainer of a team;
- Any adult attending an overnight trip with a junior team.
- Other members of the junior club who are involved in regular contact with children that are not directly supervised by a person who has completed a WWCC.
In the case where junior players are playing in a senior team, the minimum requirements for Clubs in this instance will be:
- Coach of a team;
- Team Manager of a team;
- Club Trainer of a team.
2) Keep a register of all members or persons within the Club who hold a working with children check.
Clubs are to have a nominated person who is responsible for WWC Check matters. This person can provide members with information; validate the WWC Check cards and record details. In the majority of instances this will be the Club Secretary. It is recommended that where exemptions apply, the Nominated Person of each Club records this to ensure up-to-date records are maintained.
3) Each Club is required to nominate a Child Safety Officer who would be the initial point of contact for any report. The position of Child Safety Officer needs to be communicated to all members of the Club, with a particular emphasis on children being made aware of what the person is there for i.e. someone to speak to if a child is feeling unsafe.
a) Any reports of child abuse are to be made to the Child Safety Officer (CSO). CSO to report to Police if there is any report of sexual or physical abuse of a child. Child Safety Officer to stay in contact with reporter and alleged victim to provide support.
b) Child Safety Officer to communicate to League Manager. Detailed written report must be recorded and stored, including Who, What, When, Where & Why the incident is of concern.
All Clubs must at all times:
Where an adult seeks,or is in, a position of responsibility or authority with an Association/League/Club:
a) and refuses to seek a working with children check; or
b) applies for, but is refused, a working with children check; then
that person is ineligible to assume or continue with the position of responsibility or authority.
For the avoidance of doubt a person must obtain a working with children check before they are eligible to assume the position of responsibility or authority within an Association/League/Club.”
Exemptions recognised under this regulation include only:
a) A teacher who is currently registered with the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT);
b) A current serving Victoria Police Officer; and
c) A current serving Australian Federal Police (AFP) officer.
Current exemption under the WWCC that will not be recognised by this regulation are:
a) Some Student Volunteers;
b) Parents volunteering in an activity with their child;
c) Family members and people who are closely related to the child; and
d) Interstate visitors.
For information regarding the process of obtaining a WWCC, please visit the Department of Justice website at