The Club has a free Smartphone App for use by all members and their families.
The primary purpose of this App is to improve information flow to our Club members. It will also provide improved exposure for our valued sponsors.
The App is now available for download from Google Play and from the Apple Store
You can click on the relevant logo below to launch the download process for either platform
Alternatively, you can go to Google Play or the App Store and search for ''Team App".
We encourage every member and their families to download the App so that they can be kept up to date about their individual teams and can review Team Ladders, Results and weekly newsletters.
Follow these steps:
1. Download Team app from the Apple or Google Play app store
2. Sign up to Team App. You will be sent an email to confirm your registration.
3. Log into the App and search for "St Pats JFC Albury''
4. Choose your applicable access groups(s).
5. If you don't have a smartphone go to to sign up and view this App online.