Jannali Club Policy


Jannali Basketball Member Policy


  1. 1.  ClubFee                                                       Page2


  1. 2.  Uniforms                                                      Page3


  1. 3.  Training                                                        Page4


  1. 4.  PlayerRegistration                                    Page4


  1. 5.  TeamNomination                                      Page5


  1. 6.  TeamContacts                                            Page6


  1. 7.  OurSponsors                                             Page7-8


1.     Club Fee


  • Annualpaymentof$50perplayer
  • PaymentrequiredbeforeWinterComp
  • Paymentcovers:
    • o    TeamNomination
    • o    Singlets
    • o    Gymfortraining SeniorPlayers–(U20–Seniors)
      • Annualpaymentof$25perplayers
      • Payment requiredbeforeSummerComp
      • PaymentCovers:
        • o    Singlets
        • o    Teamnomination

ShouldaplayernotpaytheirClubFeebeforethecommencementofthe competitionthenSDBAwillbeadvisedandthatplayerwillnotbeableto playwithintheJannaliteamoranyteamuntilpaymenthasbeenmade.

Players joining a team after Club Fee allocation will be sent a separate requestandwillthenfallintothesameinvoicingastheremainderofthe team.

Team Managerswillneedto paythe team nominationandthensendthe receipt/proofof paymenttotheClub Secretarywithbankdetailsfor reimbursement.


2.     Uniforms–Both Seniorand Junior Teams


  • All players will be provided a Jannali Basketball Club singlet for use while members of a team.


  • All players will need to purchase and wear Jannali Basketball Shorts. The cost for these shorts are $35 and purchased through the club.


  • Players wearing t-shirts and/or leggings under their uniform will need to have these in a block colour Eg: Black or Dark Green


  • Singletsaretobereturnedtotheteammanagerafterthegameand not go home with players.


  • Attheend ofaseasonallSingletsaretobereturnedtothe Jannali Basketball Uniform Manager for audit.


  • Players needing shorts or newSinglets through the season can contact the Uniform Manager.


  • Playerscanonlytakethecourtiftheyarewearingtheirassigned singlet and uniform shorts.


3.     Training–Juniors (U12-U18)


  • TrainingisforJuniorTeamsatJannaliHighSchoolGym.


  • All Junior teams are requiredtotrain. Players that are injuredare expectedtocome totrainingandwatch (unless physically unable)


  • Trainingtimesareallocatedtoteamswiththeexpectationthatall players turn up and that the Coach and/or Manager are present.


  • Playersarerequiredtobringtheirownballstotraining.


  • Shouldaplayernotbeabletomaketrainingthentheymustcontact their team manager.


  • Thereisa3strikepolicyonaplayerwhodoesnotshowupto trainingwithnopriorknowledgeorverylatenotification(otherthan exceptional circumstances)



4.     PlayerRegistration-Juniorand Senior


  •  nd Association needs to register via the SDBA portal where they will pay their Annual Individual Player Registration. Players will receive reminders when their registration is next due from the Association.


5.     TeamNominations–Juniorand Senior

  • Jannali Team Managers needto send their team list throughtothe Jannali Committee for acceptance prior to completing the nomination. This can be done in person or via email at the respective committee meeting prior to end of current season. An email will be sent by the Club as a reminder.


  • Theteamlistpresentedmustincludefirstandlastnameof players, dateofbirthandiftheyareaneworreturningplayertotheclub


  • All Junior Teams must have a coach and a manager nominated (not the same person) on the team list.


  • AllSeniorTeamsmusthaveanominatedcontactperson.


  • Playersnominatedmustbe uptodate withtheirClub Feesinorder forthemtobeacceptedintotheteam.(pleaseseeredprintinClub Fee)


  • Once the team is approved by the committee, the Team Managers register the team online for competition via the SDBA portal – this isdoneforboththeSummerandtheWinterComps.


  • Once the team is registered the Team Fee can be divided by each player and each player is then responsible for their contribution, paiddirectlywithin theSDBAportalOR atthefrontdeskofSDBA.


  • AllTeam Feesneedtobe paid before thesecondweekof competition.


6.     Club Contacts:



DianneMurtagh:Club President info@quickresponse.net.au


Barrie Meadows:    Head Coach / Training Co-ordinator bjkem@optusnet.com.au



KirstenMeadows:UniformCo-ordinator kirstenmeadows@optusnet.com.au



Kelly Merchant:    Club Secretary jbcsecretary@optusnet.com.au



Kay Meadows:        ClubRegister jbcsecretarty@optusnet.com.au



Anna Cornwall             Club Finances jbcsecretarty@optusnet.com.au


7.     OurSponsors:

JannaliBasketballTeamsareproudtowearthelogosofthe following local businesses on their backs:








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