This page contains a range of resources to assist our coaches get the best out of their teams.
Mobile Phone Apps
Coaches Appointment Policy
All coaching positions are voluntary, with no remuneration to be paid to any coach.
Any person associated with the Club may apply to take up a coaching position.
Appointment of all coaches and assistant coaches shall be at the discretion of the Football Department, in consultation with the Executive Committee. In determining coaching appointments, the Club’s preferred position that no person coach the same team of players for more than two consecutive seasons shall be taken into account.
All coaching appointments shall expire at the end of each football season, with coaches wishing to coach in the following season required to reapply for their position.
All applications to take up a coaching position shall be made using the official SPFC coaches’ application form.
All applicants must have a current Level 1 Coaches Accreditation and a current Working with Children card at the time of appointment. Prior to being appointed all coaches and assistant coaches are required to sign the official SPFC coaches application form setting out the terms and conditions of their appointment, and upon signature are bound by the terms and conditions contained within that document, and all other SPFC policies in force at the time of signing or which come into force during the coach’s tenure.
The Committee reserves the right to terminate any coach’s tenure at any time if the Committee is of the view that it is in the interests of the Club to do so.