Refund Policy
DJFC understands the nature of youth participation in sport. This Policy centres around the process for applying and receiving registration fee refunds when players leave the club during the playing year for whatever reason. DJFC is required to pay a per registration fee to Fox Sporting Pulse irrespective of a any game being played. Players leaving after the season has started can have an impact on team viability which leaves DJFC at risk of League fines etc.
Whatever stage the player leaves DJFC the process for applying for a refund is the same. An email is required to be sent to the Treasurer ( ) indicating the reason for withdrawal (transfer etc) with EFT details attached (BSB / Account etc). No cash refunds will be processed. Refunds and Transfers will only be processed once all DJFC club property is returned.
Refund Amounts
DJFC is required to pay a per registration fee to Fox Sporting Pulse for using the registration software required by AFL Vic. Therefore the following refund matrix applies.
Refunds that occur prior to Round 1 will be Registration paid less a $10 processing fee.
Refunds that occur after Round 1 will be at the absolute discretion of the Committee. The Committee will examine all the circumstances for the withdrawl and determine the appropriate refund.