In 2020, the Cheltenham Junior Football Club celebrates it's 30th birthday after launching from a successful merger between St Francis and Assumption in 1990.
The principles of the Cheltenham Junior Football Club are to provide players with a safe and friendly environment in which to develop their skills, build friendships and provide a family environment for both players, parents and supporters. The club’s philosophy is based on participation and to provide players with the opportunity to develop and enjoy the game. In 2020 we expect to have more than 19 teams with over 400 registered players. The club is independent and affiliated with the local Auskick which has over 150 participants. The club prides itself on both its on and off field behaviour. We have established a Code of Conduct to document our club's principles and the standards of behaviour that are expected from all players, parents, friends, supporters and officials of our club. It is the responsibility of everyone involved with our club to ensure these principles are upheld and maintained.