Ashwood Junior Football Club
Recruitment Policy
Written By: Dale Wain / Jo Reid
Approved By: Rick Loveless (President)
Endorsed By: AJFC Committee May 6th, 2019
Date for Review: 2021 or as required
This policy is intended to assist the Ashwood JFC in ensuring all incoming Ashwood JFC staff and volunteers are aware of and meet the minimum behavioural standards expected, and is designed to ensure that child safety, equality, and fair treatment are issues at the core of the Ashwood JFC culture. Further, it is intended to give the Ashwood JFC committee guidelines by which to make the right decisions during the hiring process.
2.1 The Ashwood JFC will give equal consideration to the submissions of all applicants and will not show bias or discrimination on the grounds of gender, race, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion or any other characteristic.
2.2 Recruitment panels will treat all applicants with the same respect and will provide an “even playing field” during interviews. This includes, but is not limited to, using the same base list of questions for applicants (except when pursuing the specifics of an applicant’s career), allowing the same amount of time for interviews, and allowing the applicants equal chances to ask their own questions.
2.3 The Ashwood JFC will not terminate the employment or role of an employee or volunteer on the basis of these characteristics.
2.4 This clause is intended to work in conjunction with the SMJFL’s “Equal Opportunity, Bullying and Harassment Policy” which should be referred to for more detail.
3.1 The Ashwood JFC will provide a clear Job Description (JD) about the role being offered and a closing date
3.2 Within this JD there will always be a statement about Ashwood Junior Football club being a Child Safe environment.
On all club role applications, the following will be in the Adverts
Ashwood Junior Football Club's Commitment to Safeguarding Children & Young People
The AJFC is committed to promoting and protecting the safety and well-being of children and young people in our care who access activities, programs, services or facilities for which the AJFC is responsible for.
Please note a successful appointment in this position is subject to a satisfactory suitability to work with children screening. The successful candidate(s) may be required to possess a valid ‘working with children’s check aligning this to AJFC and the SMJFL. The AFL has extensive procedures and checks in place to protect children and young people in our organisation.
On all club role applications, the following will be in the Position Descriptions
Safeguarding Children and Young People
- To provide a welcoming and safe environment for children and young people and ensure interactions with children and young people are positive and safe.
- To adhere to the organisation’s practice and behavioural guidelines or code of conduct in relation to the appropriate treatment of children.
- Provide adequate care and supervision of children and young people in your charge.
- Report any suspicions, concerns, allegations or disclosures of alleged abuse to management.
- Requirement to maintain valid working with children check documentation.
- Requirement to report to management any relevant criminal charges or convictions during the course of your employment/volunteering.
4.1 It is the responsibility of the Ashwood JFC to conduct adequate background checks on applicants under consideration for a position with the Ashwood Junior FC. The applicant may only be offered a position if they both agree to and satisfactorily pass these requirements.
4.2 Applicants must supply personal and professional referees with their application. The Ashwood JFC recruitment panel will contact these referees to ensure the suitability of the applicant to our organisation.
4.3 The Ashwood JFC will contact the referees and will take notes on the conversation and will file these notes away securely for the period of volunteer or employment time and then an additional seven years
4.4 Prior to commencing volunteerism / employment with the Ashwood Junior FC, the successful applicant may be required to obtain a valid Working With Children Check. The Ashwood JFC may offer a position to an applicant prior to the WWC being attained, on the condition that the applicant gains one before commencing work.
4.5 Working With Children Checks must be uploaded and verified via Everproof and sighted by a current Ashwood JFC staff member to meet the requirements.
4.6 All people requiring a WWCC check must align their card to Ashwood JFC and the SMJFL via the WWCC website.
4.7 If an employee WWCC is required then the Ashwood JFC will cover the cost of this if the applicant successfully passes the check. This will be paid with a receipt being provided and a copy of the WWCC
4.8 In addition to these regulated checks, the Ashwood JFC staff member(s) undertaking the recruitment process must strive to determine the compatibility of all applicants to these standards through the applicants’ CV and any resulting interviews. Recruiters can consult the “Best Recruitment Practices and Guidelines” during this process.
The Club seeks to attract and retain the best staff and volunteers. We provide support and supervision, so people feel valued, respected and fairly treated. We have developed a Code of Conduct to provide guidance to our staff and volunteers, all of whom receive training on the requirements of the Code.
All Committee members are to complete the SMJFL online Child Safety course.
5.1 The Ashwood JFC will treat all information obtained during the application process with discretion and will not share this information with third parties or other applicants, except for information required for the stated background checks.
5.2 The Ashwood JFC may retain applicants’ contact information and application documents against the possibility of future employment opportunities. Applicants may request for their information to not be kept at any time following an unsuccessful application.
5.1 This Policy must be made available to all applicants from the commencement of the application process, to ensure their full understanding of rights and requirements prior to applying.
Reviewing this policy
This policy will be reviewed every two years or as required, and we undertake to seek views, comments and suggestions from children, parents, carers, staff and volunteers involved in the Club.