For the 2016-17 season, northside fUTSal club and University of Technology Sydney (UTS) are again in partnership which is evidenced through both our club name and ‘UTS SPORT’ logo proudly displayed on the front of our playing shirt, with both organisations looking forward to another season of success and the opportunity to celebrate any and all oUTStanding achievements.
UTS Sport manages 31 sports clubs, an elite athlete program, a three level commercial gym, two indoor sporting facilities, a range of social sports competitions, competes in the Australian University Championship events throughout the year and provides many opportunities for students, staff, alumni and community members to engage in sporting activities from a social level all the way through to an elite standard.
The continuation of this partnership means that again for the 2016-17 season, our fUTSal club has access and use of the Ultimo located Ross Milbourne Sports Hall for training and the Moore Park located Sydney Boys High School stadium for five (5) of the scheduled 2016-17 home games.