"Legends of Parkside"
The committee of the Parkside Football Club has decided that it would like to formally recognise the efforts and contributions of individuals whose legacy has impacted significantly towards the culture and history of the Parkside Football Club.
This recognition will be in the form of being honoured as a legend of Parkside.
You can nominate anyone for "LEGEND STATUS" by formally notifying the "Legends Sub-Committee" in writing of your candidate and reasons for nominating. There will be six initial inductees which will be chosen by the "Legends Sub-Committee" from the nominations received.
Each year there will be the opportunity for one new legend to be inducted. The Sub-Committee will sit each year in July and will determine if any nominations fit the criteria of "Legend Status". If no nominations fit the criteria, the committee will not induct a legend for that year. It may well be that two or more nominations fit the criteria which means the committee will decide on which nomination will be inducted. A Legends honour board will be displayed in our clubrooms.
Nominations should be mailed to Parkside F.C. C / O: Macleod P.O. 56 Aberdeen Road Macleod VIC 3085.
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