Well we begin.Time to start collecting what we can and piece together our illustrious history. So hopefully the first step is a history committee and then a steady flow of information into this web site. (Feb 2006) if you have found the web site and want to participate ring the Secretary see contact details When you run onto the Tathra ground, or look on from the sidelines, bare a thought for those who have gone before. How did the club get started? Who made the oval? When you ask these questions to the club elders who were around at the time,be ready for some very funny stories. Tall tales and true from the legendary past. Some not so true perhaps. The club had its first official season in 1984 but some games were played in 1983.As this history is written you may disagree with order of things or the facts, if so don't hold back let me know your version. I will be going round talking to all and sundry to try and get an accurate version of the facts. One funny story I have heard, involves the initial enlargement of the ground and it rang true to me of how things used to be done. No OH&S, code of conduct and ethics to worry about in the town in those days. Red tape? no problem. Lets block the traffic, dig out the embankments on Evans Hill, and make the ground big enough to play footy on. Who wants to go on the traffic control? "Wilso you stop the traffic will you"?. "No worries". What about equipment? "There are some blokes staying at the pub with all the gear" leave that to me says Frog. "Cyril will bring his truck". Jobs right let's build a bigger oval this weekend. It was in this manner that things got done. People giving time and equipement.Things magically appeared. Large numbers of people, many still around, gave time and effort to get this club going. It is astounding how many people have been involved with this club, in it's short 22 years. Around the club you hear of many, still in town, who either played, helped out, lent a truck, waved the flags, served in the canteen, stapped an ankle or drove a bus etc.etc. Speaking of buses, before the road to Merimbula was made, one bus got stuck, front and back wheels spinning in the creek. In a short time, much has changed in this area, including the club, which has powered on from success to success. If you have memories of funny things that happened let's hear them. Can you remember playing on the Bega showground? Playing against the the Bega Wolumla wombats in North Melbourne colours? Funny times out at Wyndham playing the Wedgies? One thing we haven't done well as a club is keep records, so why not start and get organised. Lets try and get our history organised. BEGINNINGS: On the 17th of August, 1983, 23 residents of Tathra met to form an Australian Rules Football club in Tathra. Mr Greg Wilson took the chair and a resolution passed unanimously to form the TATHRA AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL CLUB. The first committee was Rob Little Pres., Ewan Munro sec.,Greg Wilson Tres., and Jim Lancaster, Brett Dalziel, Bob Cole, Ray Soden, Terry Britton, Eric Waterson, Tony Larkin. Players Rep. Ian Carter. At the first meeting of the new committee Col Eagle was appointed coach. The first Game was a juniors game on "9/11" yep 9th September A junior u15 practice game. Discussions also took place on forming a group interested in improving and updating Lawrence Park. The first game: 10/4/1984 Practice Match against the Diggers. Diggers Win 10:14 to 4:11 Seniors and Juniors 17:10 to 2:3. the following week was a knock out Premiership at the Bega Showgrounds. Tathra have gone on to win 10 Premierships, since that famous Knock Out Comp the most of any club in the 30 years of the comps existance, They have played in 16 Grand Finals out of 30 "you do the Sums" They have won Back to Back flags on one occasion 2010/2011 and created league history in 2012 by being the only club to win Three Premiershps in a row 2010/2011/2012, & MORE HISTORY Winning 4 in a row in 2013 for a small country town competing against townships that are much larger the Tathra SeaEagles have shown " That it's not the size of the dog in the fight, Its the size of the Fight in the dog" they have became known around the district as a very succesfull football club, and we hope that we can add to our Premiership Honour Board at our famous ground Lawrance Park in 2014... GO EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1