In 2019 Dapto City AFC will be entering a Open Mens Team into the AFLSC League Competition.
Registrations are now open and new players are welcome

Open Age Mens Competition
Division 1
Wollongong AFC Lions
Wollongong AFC Bulldogs
Figtree AFC Kangaroos
Northern Districts AFC Tigers
Shellharbour City AFC Suns
Kiama AFC Power
Bomaderry AFC Tigers
Nowra/Albatross AFC Vikings
Division 2
Dapto City AFC Stallions
Wollongong AFC Lions
Wollongong AFC Bulldogs
Figtree AFC Kangaroos
Northern Districts AFC Tigers
Port Kembla AFC Blacks
Shellharbour City AFC Suns
Kiama AFC POwer
Bomaderry AFC Tigers
Nowra/Albatross AFC Vikings
Ulladulla AFC Dockers