Online registrations open in November for the 2019 season
Links located on right hand side of web page.
Click on your team guensney
Note you must have a valid email address and access to the email account to register online.
Assistance can be provided if you have previously registered and you have forgotton your email address. Contact for assistance.
From 2016 your email address will be your account name and you will be prompted to create a password (password must contain a capital and be aleast 6 digits)
Online registrations are a legal document, please ensure all entries are correct and you have read the terms and conditions.
Senior Men & Women Players $250 ($50 off discount to returning members) Registration Fee due by 1st April 2019
Note: Online payments can be made online when completing your registration.
As you may be aware, the NSW Government have also launched the Active Kids Program. From 31 January 2018, parents will be able to claim up to $100 per school child, per calendar year, as a voucher to reduce the cost of sport registration.