Teams in General Club


All Stars (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - B Grade)
Bayshore Bashers (Wednesday - Mixed T2 & 3 (2024) - B grade )
Previously Associated Competitions
Bayshore Bashers (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
Chaos 1 (Wednesday - Mixed T2 & 3 (2024) - A Grade)
Previously Associated Competitions
Chaos 1 (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
Clip That (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - B Grade)
Delete -All Stars (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - B Grade)
DNU - All Stars (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - B Grade)
DNU -All Stars (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - B Grade)
Goal diggers (Wednesday - Mixed T2 & 3 (2024) - A Grade)
Hoopy Hour (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
Hoopy Hour (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
Hoopy Hour (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
Hoopy Hour (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - B Grade)
Previously Associated Competitions
Hoopy Hour (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
Hoopy Hour (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
Hoopy Hour (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
Hoopy Hour (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
Hoopy Hour 1 (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
Hoopy Hour DNU (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
Hoopy Hour DNU (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
Hoopy Hour DNU (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
Hot Flashes (Wednesday - Mixed T2 & 3 (2024) - B grade )
Hot Shots (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
Hot shots (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - B Grade)
Previously Associated Competitions
Hot shots (Wednesday - Mixed T2 & 3 (2024) - B grade )
Hot shots (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
Hot shots (Wednesday - Mixed T2 & 3 (2024) - A Grade)
LP Lakers (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - B Grade)
Previously Associated Competitions
LP Lakers (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
LP Lakers (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
LP Lakers (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
LP Lakers 0 (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
LP Lakers 0 (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
LP Lakers 0 (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
LP Lakers 1 (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
LP Lakers DNU (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
Mountain Lions (Wednesday - Mixed T2 & 3 (2024) - A Grade)
Previously Associated Competitions
Mountain Lions (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
Nets Get Physical (Wednesday - Mixed T2 & 3 (2024) - A Grade)
Nets Get Physical (Wednesday - Mixed T2 & 3 (2024) - A Grade)
Nets Get Physical (Wednesday - Mixed T2 & 3 (2024) - A Grade)
Nets Get Physical (Wednesday - Mixed T2 & 3 (2024) - B grade )
Previously Associated Competitions
Nets Get Physical (Wednesday - Mixed T2 & 3 (2024) - A Grade)
Nets Get Physical (Wednesday - Mixed T2 & 3 (2024) - A Grade)
Nets Get Physical (Wednesday - Mixed T2 & 3 (2024) - A Grade)
Nets Get Physical (Wednesday - Mixed T2 & 3 (2024) - A Grade)
NOAH'S ARC TEAM (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - B Grade)
Previously Associated Competitions
NOAH'S ARC TEAM (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
Red Hot Chilli Steppers (Wednesday - Mixed T2 & 3 (2024) - A Grade)
Previously Associated Competitions
Red Hot Chilli Steppers (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
Speeding Fines (Wednesday - Mixed T2 & 3 (2024) - A Grade)
Previously Associated Competitions
Speeding Fines (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
Spoiler Season (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - B Grade)
Previously Associated Competitions
Spoiler Season (Wednesday - Mixed T2 & 3 (2024) - A Grade)
Spoiler Season (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
The Bullants (Wednesday - Mixed T2 & 3 (2024) - B grade )
Previously Associated Competitions
The Bullants (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
The cream team (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
The cream team (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
The cream team (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
The cream team (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
The Geezers (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - B Grade)
Previously Associated Competitions
The Geezers (Wednesday - Mixed T2 & 3 (2024) - B grade )
The Geezers (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
The Geezers (Wednesday - Mixed T2 & 3 (2024) - A Grade)
the norbits (Wednesday - Mixed T2 & 3 (2024) - B grade )
Previously Associated Competitions
the norbits (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
the norbits (Wednesday - Mixed T2 & 3 (2024) - A Grade)
the norbits Do not ise (Wednesday - Mixed T2 & 3 (2024) - A Grade)
Uh Oh (Wednesday Mixed T4 & T1 2024-25 - A Grade)
Previously Associated Competitions
Uh Oh (Wednesday - Mixed T2 & 3 (2024) - A Grade)

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