1. All Rules and Regulations heretofore subsisting shall be deemed to be and hereby repealed.
2. The Rules and Regulations hereinafter set out shall be deemed to be the Constitution of the Dalyston Football Club Incorporated.
3. The name of the Club shall be the DALYSTON FOOTBALL CLUB INC. (hereinafter called the Club) and such Club shall not be dissolved nor shall its name be changed unless such dissolution or change of name shall be sanctioned by a three-fourths majority of members personally present at a Special Meeting called for the purposes pursuant hereto.
4. The Club is formed for the purposes of fielding teams to play in such competitions as are organised and governed by the Victorian Country Football League (Inc) and for all such other purposes and things as are incidental thereto and for such other further purposes as shall encourage and promote the organisation and playing of the game.
5. Any person, upon payment of such annual sum as may be prescribed from time to time by the Club may become a financial member for the period terminating with the next following Annual General Meeting of the Club. Provided always that the Committee of Management (hereinafter called the Committee) may in its absolute discretion and without assigning any reason therefore, refuse to admit to membership.
6. The Committee may at its discretion annually elect to Honorary Life Membership such persons not exceeding two as it may consider to be entitled to Life Membership by reason of special services rendered to the Club.
7. (a) An Annual General Meeting of the members of the Club shall be held neither earlier than the first day of October, nor later than the thirty first day of March in each Financial Year of the Club. Twenty one days at least before the holding of such Meeting, the Secretary by advertisement in a local newspaper, shall give notice of the date, time and place at which the meeting is to be held and any special business which the Committee intends to submit thereat. The business to be dealt with at such meetings shall be as follows:-
The presentation and consideration of the Committee’s Report and audited Balance Sheet and Statement of Receipts and Expenditure, the election of Office Bearers and Members of the Committee in place of those who retire by rotation or otherwise, and the consideration of any business of which notice has been given by advertisement as aforesaid, or of which seven days notice has been given in writing to the Secretary, signed by any ten financial members. A copy of every such notice given in writing as aforesaid shall be kept posted up at the clubrooms until the date of the meeting.
(b) Every person must produce their Membership ticket to procure admission to the Annual General Meeting, or to any other General Meeting of the members. Twenty members shall constitute a quorum at the Annual General Meeting, and if the number is not present within half an hour of the time announced for the holding of the meeting, it shall be adjourned to the same hour, on the same day in the succeeding week, the place of the meeting to be announced by members of the Committee before the adjournment. At the adjourned Meeting, the business set down for the Meeting may be proceeded with by the members present in conformity with the Rules and notwithstanding the lack of quorum.
8. On a requisition in writing signed by twenty members with their addresses and their Membership ticket numbers, being delivered to the Secretary, the Secretary shall within fourteen days from receiving such requisition call a Special General Meeting of the members of the Club by giving one weeks notice of the same by advertisement in the local press. The requisition must state precisely the objects of such meeting and same objects shall appear in the advertisement in the same or a more abbreviated form.
Quorum for a Special General Meeting shall consist of twenty members present in person. The Committee shall have the power to call a Special General Meeting of the Club whenever it may have matters under consideration upon which it seems necessary or desirable to obtain a ruling of the members.
The same notice shall be given as provided for a Special General Meeting call on a requisition of members, and the same quorum shall be necessary.
9. (a) Financial and Honorary Life Members only shall be eligible to vote at all Meetings of the members of the Club. Any person becoming a member of the Club after the playing season is closed shall not be entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting following such playing season.
(b) All resolutions passed by a simple majority unless, otherwise required by these Rules, at any Annal or Special General Meeting should be conclusive and binding on all members of the Club whether they be present at such meeting or not, provided that such meeting is held in conformity with these Rules.
10. Voting upon every motion properly submitted to an Annual or Special General Meeting, other than elections, shall be by a show of hands unless a ballot is demanded by ten members, in which case the voting shall be by ballot.
11. (a) The President who must be a financial or Honorary Life Member of the Club shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club for a term of three years and shall take the chair at all the General and Committee Meetings and shall have a deliberative as well as casting vote. In the absence of the President from the General or Committee Meeting, the Vice-President, if present, shall take the chair. In the event of the absence of the President and the Vice-President, the Meeting shall appoint a Chairman for the occasion and such Chairman shall have a deliberative as well as a casting vote.
(b) The Vice-President shall be a financial or Honorary Life Member of the Club and shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club for a period of three years.
(c) The Secretary who must be a financial or Honorary Life Member of the Club shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club for a term of three years at a remuneration as the Committee may determine. The Secretary shall at all times carry out such directions as are lawfully given at the meeting of the Club and its Committees. The Secretary shall keep all necessary and proper records of such meetings of the Club and its Committees and of all such other matters as relate to the management of the Club.
(d) The Treasurer shall be a financial or Honorary Life Member of the Club and shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club for a term of three years and he shall receive such honorarium as the Committee may determine. The duties of the Treasurer shall be to supervise the keeping of accounts in relation to all receipts and expenditure, Assets and Liabilities of the Club, and to submit a financial report thereof to the Committee at General Meetings of the Committee. All moneys received the Treasurer or any other officer of the Club shall be paid to the credit of the Club’s Banking Account.
(e) The position of the Secretary and Treasurer may be held either separately or jointly.
(f) The three year term of President and Vice President are to coincide.
The three year term of Secretary and Treasurer are also to coincide but must differ with that of the President and Vice President.
12. (a) The management of the Club shall be vested in a Committee (called “the Committee”) constituted of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and a Committee of twelve members. At the Annual General Meeting, one-third or the nearest number to one-third of the elected members of the Committee shall retire from office. A retiring member of the Committee shall be eligible for re-election. The Club at a General Meeting at which an elected member of the Committee retires in a manner aforesaid may fill the vacated office by electing any financial member of the Club thereto but any casual vacancy occurring in the Committee may be filled by it. The person so chosen shall be subject to retirement at the same time as if he had become a member of the Committee on the day on which the other member of the Committee in whose place he is appointed was last elected to the Committee.
(b) The Committee shall have sole charge of all affairs of the Club and shall appoint and dismiss all officers and servants of the Club and shall have the power to do all such things as may appear to the Committee to be necessary for the efficient management of the Club and the administration of its affairs.
13. (a) Where not inconsistent with the provisions hereinbefore contained all nominations of office-bearers and members of the Committee must be in writing and signed by the candidate who must be a financial member of the Club, and by two financial members of the Club, and must be delivered to the Secretary not later than 8 p.m. on a day fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting. Nominations may be withdrawn in writing at any time prior to the date of the election. Voting shall be by ballot, and the Committee shall appoint a Returning Officer to conduct Annual Elections. Fourteen days prior to the Annual Election of the Office-Bearers the Secretary of the Club shall supply the Returning Officer with a correct list of the names and addresses of all members of the Club together with the number of the Membership Ticket of each Member.
For this purpose, the Secretary shall compile and from time to time keep written up to date a register or roll of financial members of the Club. Before receiving a Ballot Paper, members must produce their membership ticket, with their name and number clearly endorsed thereon, to the Returning Officer on the date of the election. Any member who loses their membership ticket, but whose name is inscribed on the members’ roll, may be supplied with a ballot paper enabling such member to vote at the Annual Election for which such membership ticket is current, provided that he or she delivers to the Returning Officer on the date of the election an explanation to the satisfaction of the Returning Officer. No member shall be permitted to have more than one vote, and no more than one member shall be permitted to vote on one membership ticket.
(b) For the purpose of determining who shall be entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting the roll shall be closed as at 1st August each year, and any persons whose names are not listed as at that date shall not be entitled to vote.
14. (a) The Committee shall meet at such times and as often as may be deemed necessary, and for the purpose of such Meetings eight members of such Committee shall constitute a quorum. In the event of that number not being present thirty minutes after the time appointed for any Meeting, the Meeting shall lapse and business contained in the Agenda shall take precedence over all other business at the next Meeting of the Committee. All members of the Committee, but excluding paid staff of the Club, shall be entitled to vote at all Committee Meetings.
(b) Upon a requisition in writing signed by three Members of the Committee setting forth the objects for which they desire the Meeting to be called, the Secretary shall convene a Special Meeting of the Committee to be held not later than seven clear days from the date of receipt by him of such requisition. Notice of such Meeting shall be given to the members of the Committee either verbally or otherwise and shall state the business to be dealt with at such meeting.
(c) The Committee may appoint Sub-Committees to perform any of the duties devolving upon the Committee, and may confer upon such Sub-Committees such authority as it shall from time to time deem necessary. The President and Secretary shall be ex-officio members of all Sub-Committees except the Match Committee. The Committee shall appoint a Chairman for all Sub-Committees and the Chairman shall be an elected Committee member.
(d) Any member of the Committee who:-
(i) absents himself from three consecutive Meetings thereof without applying for and being granted leave of absence by the Committee, or
(ii) is convicted of any indictable offence or misdemeanour, or
(iii) becomes a bankrupt or assigns his estate shall be deemed to have vacated his office and shall thereupon cease to be a member of the Committee.
15. (a) The Committee at its first Meeting in each season shall elect not more than two of its members who with the Treasurer and Secretary shall constitute the Finance Committee. All moneys paid from the Clubs funds shall be paid by cheque signed by any two members of the Finance Committee. The income and property of the Club, howsoever derived, shall not be paid or transferred either directly or indirectly by way of a dividend, bonus or otherwise to the members of the Club. Provided always that nothing herein contained shall prevent the payment of players representing the Club within the Rules of the Victorian Country Football League (Inc) or the payment of remuneration to any officers or servants of the Club, or to any person not being a member in return for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of the Club.
(b) The Match Committee shall consist of the Captain, the Coach and three other nominated members at least one of whom shall be an elected member of the Committee. The Match Committee shall select the 1st and 2nd Eighteen teams each match in which the Club is to be represented. The Vice-Captain shall be invited to attend all meetings of the Match Committee, but he shall have no vote save and except in the event the Captain and Coach being one person, whereupon the Vice-Captain shall a vote.
(c) The Committee shall annually appoint from its members the number of delegates to represent the Club on the Alberton Football League (Inc). Such delegate/s shall keep the Committee advised of all League business.
16. Prior to the commencement of each season the Committee shall appoint a Captain and a Vice-Captain. Any such appointment may be terminated at any time should a majority of the Committee so determine.
17. The Committee shall as soon as practicable after the close of each season appoint a Coach or Coaches for the next succeeding season. The Committee shall also appoint such Training and other staff as it may deem necessary to appoint in relation to each Football Season. All such appointments shall be made from year to year, unless the Committee specifically makes an appointment for some specified longer period.
18. If any member be guilty of wilfully infringing any Rule of the Club or of unbecoming or dishonourable conduct, or of acting in a manner prejudicial to the interest of the Club, that person shall be liable to be expelled from the Club by resolution of a Special General Meeting. Before any such Meeting can be called to take into consideration the alleged misconduct of any such member, a charge or charges must first be made in writing against him and signed by at least three other members of the Club. Such charge or charges shall be delivered to the Secretary, and the Secretary shall submit same to the Committee. If after due investigation, the Committee is of the opinion that the matter is one that requires to be brought to the notice of the members, a Special General Meeting shall then be convened for the purpose of deciding whether such Member shall be expelled. A copy of such charge or charges shall thereupon be transmitted to the member concerned and the Secretary shall duly notify that person of the day and hour of such meeting. The votes the members at a Special General Meeting called for the purposes of this Rule shall be taken by ballot. In the event of a three-fourths majority of the members present voting for the expulsion of the said member, that person shall be thereupon expelled and shall cease to be, and shall be ineligible to again become a member of the Club.
19. This Constitution shall not be altered, amended, added to or repealed without the concurrence of at least three-fourths majority of the members of the club present at a Special General Meeting to be called for that purpose.
20. The Committee of Management shall have the power to make such By-Laws as may be deemed advisable for carrying out the objects and management of the Club and to vary and rescind such by-laws by a simple majority from time to time. Provided always that any such by-laws shall be consistent with the Constitution.
21. Should any matters or questions arise which are not provided for by this Constitution or any questions arise as to the interpretation thereof, such matters or questions shall be referred to the Committee and the ruling of the Committee shall be conclusive and binding on all members of the Club.
22. The colours of the Club shall be black and white and the uniform worn by players shall be such as is registered with the Alberton Football League (Inc) in accordance with its Rules.
23. All money and chattels donated to the Club or handed for Club purposes to any member of the Committee or any Sub-Committee thereof or any other officer of the Club shall be property of the Club and shall be under the control of the Committee.
24. The Club shall be bound at all times by the playing code and rules for the time being of the Victorian Country Football League (Inc).
25. These Rules printed shall be available to the members of the Club on application being made to the Secretary and upon payment of such fee as may be fixed by the Committee from time to time.
26. In the event of the Club being dissolved, the amount that remains after such dissolution and the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be transferred to another organisation with similar purposes which is not carried on for the profit or gain of its individual members.