Ordering Your GRIFFIN Gear
For anyone intending to take the field in 2014, the coaches and the committee insist that you must have your match-day gear so ANUAFC is a professional unit and to make sure we give our valued sponsors maximum brand visibility. The team polo has also been deemed mandatory pre-game attire.
If you don’t already have gear, the items you will need to purchase are:
- Shorts $35
- Socks $15;
- Team Polo $45; and
- Playing Jersey $55 for you to own outright with your own assigned number.
Total: $150
In addition to the gear listed above we now have griffo training siglets for $25 each, available in blue and white. NOTE: these are not incldued in the 'griffo pack'.
Please pay close attention to all the payment arrangements below:
If you need gear, email matt_crawshaw@hotmail.com indicating your full-name, the item and what size (S,M,L,XL) you need. If we don’t have it in the existing stock right now, it will be arriving soon with the latest order.
Payment will ONLY be accepted via netbank electronic funds transfer to the ANUAFC Account (details below), and you will ONLY get your gear once payment is confirmed either receipt of your funds in the ANUAFC account. There are absolutely no IOUs or cash sales – So please don’t ask.
Bank:St George
Account Name: ANU Australian Football Club
BSB: 112 908
Account #no: 464 641 279
Reference description: Please use your first initial, surname and 'gear' as the reference (eg. MCrawshaw – Gear)