MiniRoos Kick-Off Program
MiniRoos Kick-Off is fun, introductory program will be taught in a supportive environment, for boys and girls aged between 4 and 6 years old. Sessions will build skills through progressive drills and games, and focus on fundamental movement skills throughout the winter season.
All new participants receive a MiniRoos Participant Pack, with no equipment needed. Children will be encouraged to wear normal joggers, as shin pads and soccer boots are not required.
MiniRoos Kick-Off will mimic the YBSC home game schedule, hosted in a flexible format across six Saturdays at Yerrinbool Oval. Additional sessions will also be made available, if you are unavailable to attend one aligned with a home game.
The cost is $60 for 6 sessions.
More info at:
Register via direct link:
Once you have registered, YBSC will be in contact to let you know all details required for when kick-off will begin!
Last Modified on 05/04/2023 11:08
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