ALL Age Men Division 1 Smiley Side Match Report 24/4/21
All Age Men Match Report 2/4/21 continued
The introduction of Ronin McCullagh midway through the 1st half provided the attacking spark needed to lift the momentum of the game. This increase in tempo saw a more dominant display from Yerrinbool in the 2nd half with the score line eventually blowing out to 10-0 at the end of the 90 minutes.
Jacob Cameron relished an opportunity to take on a more attacking role late in the game and ended up scoring 3 quality goals in the final 20 minutes.
In a momentum building start to the season Aiden Bertrand was voted player of the game by his peers and is doing everything right to cement his starting spot in the team.
Whilst there was a gap in quality and skill between the 2 sides the score line should not detract from Exeter’s efforts. Their willingness to promote the game at the highest level in the Southern Highlands is a credit to the players and the club.
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