Return to training


On Friday we were advised of the ‘FNSW Return to Training Framework’, which we are required to adhere to. For more information click on the following link

Football NSW has lifted the temporary suspension of football for training only. For the avoidance of doubt, no competition matches are permitted to be played (including ‘friendly’ matches as part of a training session).

UHSC will follow a three stage return to training across all parts of the club.

STAGE 1 - Graded Teams
· Commencing week of Monday 1st June on your normal training days
· All Graded teams
· Maximum 10 people per group including coach


STAGE 2 - Under 9 to under 11
· Commencing from Monday 8th June on your normal training days
· All teams from under 9 to under 11
· Maximum 10 people per group including coach

STAGE 3 - Under 5 to 8
· Commencing week of Monday 15th of June on Normal training day
. All teams from under 5 - 8
. Maximum 10 people per group including coaches

It is expected that the competition for all teams will commence in the first week of July (pending government and association approval) and will be played through the school holidays. The competition will continue a month longer than usual and potentially end in October.

We are awaiting further resources from Football South Coast to assist our junior coaches on how to manage their return to training plans. Some younger teams may choose not to train at all and just play on Saturday. The picture below has guidelines on how social distancing and hygiene will be managed during the return to training.

This staged return will allow us to progressively manage the current restrictions, learning along the way, and time gather the required resources to introduce training in a safe environment for all.

UHSC is committed to keeping our players & parents safe and informed during these unpredictable times and will provide a further updates as relevant information comes to hand.

UHSC Committee


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