Zebras' beer sponsor ranked nationally

Congratulations to Brunswick Zebras’ lead sponsor Stomping Ground Brewery and Beer Hall for making it into Australia’s top twenty independent brewery canned beers with their delicious Gipps Street Pale Ale.  

The Age reported on a comprehensive test of 100 independent beers in cans from across the country and Gipps Street Pale Ale was right up there.  The Age said:

17. Gipps St. Pale Ale

Stomping Ground Brewing Co., Vic, 5.2% ABV

Score 6.6/10

Wilson: Tropical fruit notes and high drinkability.

“It's on the lighter side but still has great body and character.”

Gipps Street Pale Ale is available at Brunswick Zebras Sumner Park HQ on senior match days, along with their other premium canned beers Hop Stomper IPA and Laneway Lager.  Draught beers fresh from the tap are also available.

To read The Age story go HERE


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