[06/01/2018] Brisbane Athletic Pre-Season Matchday 1 (Vs KPR)
Playing in our pre-season kit of royal blue and white Brisbane Athletic's top squad had their first competitive session together at Pinkenba Reserve playing against a very competitive Kangaroo Point Squad.
The 3pm reserve's games began with fast pace football from both clubs squads with Brisbane Athletic being able to amount pressure on the well-organised defences of KPR but failing to capitalise on their own chanceswhen a counter attack from the visitors allowed them to go up 1-0 before the first drinks break. As the teams started to settle into the game in the heat Brisbane Athletic were able to break through the defences of KPR with a goal from Alan Oliveira before individual brilliance from two other players were able to put away the game 3-1 to the reserves squad.
The 5pm top team game was an attacking affair with it being a 7 goal thriller. Brisbane Athletic were able to go into the half-time break 2-0 in front. The mid-field was hotly contested as Brisbane Athletic fought to retain control of it before the discipline of the defending champions were able to gain 4 goals in 20 minutes before a last minute gaol to Brisbane Athletic finished the game 3-4 to the visitors.
All eyes to the second match-day of the pre-season vs Viriginia United at Pinkenba Reserve on the 13th January
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