Clean Up Day is THIS SATURDAY!
Please spare one or two hours on Saturday to pack up the club rooms from 8am.
Between hosting three rounds of finals and holding our first ever very successful Presentation Day, we understand we have exhausted many of our volunteers. Thank you again for all of your help.
It would be great to see new faces to give us all that final boost needed to complete the season and pack up the clubrooms.
General jobs include cleaning canteen, packing up office and store room, taking down flags and signs to put into storage, stocktaking and general cleaning jobs.
Last year we had a great response and were all done in just 2-3 hours. It would be great if we could say the same again this year. Alternatively, if anyone is not available to help on Saturday but would be able to make a start to take down all of our signage and flags prior to Clean Up Day, please text Catherine on 0413662015 to arrange access. A ladder will be needed for this task.
See you at the Clubrooms Panthers!
2017 CJFC Committee
Last Modified on 12/09/2017 19:53