Working With Children checks are required - 1st August 2017

All SG Kings committee personnel, team coaches and managers should get a free WWC check as soon as possible, even if you are involved in a team of juniors under the age of 18 and you have a child in the team, the regulations are changing and our club will also be required to follow Basketball Victoria directives.

The above links is the the Working With Children Website: The volunteer WWC is free, please include the South Geelong Kings as your affiliated club with our contact details included as per this web site.

Registering with your WWC card is now available on our webite portal - please register once you recieve your WWC card and fill in all required information as necessary.

Amendments to the Working with Children Act 2005 (the Act) will come into effect on 1 August 2017

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse made several recommendations aimed at strengthening the protection children receive through Working with Children Checks. The following amendments to the Act implement these recommendations:

  1. Expand the definition of ‘direct contact’ in the Act. The definition of direct contact now includes oral, written or electronic communication as well as face-to-face and physical contact.


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