Round 3 - Match Reports 07/05/2017

Under 15’s

The under 15s couldn’t have started in worse fashion for the home team as Berwick broke through the  middle of the Gippsland defence to take the lead in the second minute. Gippsland started to get into the game and were soon level when Connor Dastey drove one into the roof of the net from 25 yards out. The local boys had the opportunity to go ahead when they were awarded a penalty for a handball offence by a Berwick defender however Jesse Buhagiar’s spot kick was well saved by the Berwick keeper. Berwick managed to take the lead before the break after scrambling the ball home from a corner kick to go in 2-1 up at the interval.

With a strong wind at their back in the second half Gippsland dominated possession and territory however couldn’t manage an equaliser resulting in a 2-1 loss in what was a very hard fought match.

Best players on the day were Adi Page, Connor Dastey, Jesse Buhagiar & Steffen Aboltins.

Under 14’s

The U14 boys continued on their winning ways recording their third win to remain undefeated and top the table for the first time this season.

The boys came out with all guns blazing and took only 2 minutes for Emmanuel Scarlett to again get his name on the score sheet. After running onto a good ball forward, Emmanuel played a lovely one-two with Sean Sayle to break thru the Berwick defence to score in the bottom corner. Despite dominating play with some great possession passing and giving Berwick very little time with the ball, the teams went in 1-0 at the break.

Refocused after half time, the boys again got out of the blocks quickly which saw Emmanuel get in behind the Berwick defence on the first attack. He was then fouled taking the ball around the Berwick keeper to earn a penalty. Kishen Parekh stepped up to put the boys 2 up only 2 minutes after the restart.

Again the Gippsland boys dominated play and possession, putting on a passing clinic until after some good pressure by Elliot Curtin on the edge of the Berwick box, that boy Emmanuel Scarlett again popped up to finish for a 3-0 scoreline.

Lusanda Lehoko,  Kelsey Dal Pozzo, Goalkeeper Ethan Farrell and Scarlett all contributed well.

Under 13’s

The under 13s began their game in similar fashion to their previous two, with some cautious play and soaking up the pressure applied by the opposition’s attack. An early chance came when a Berwick forward was fouled inside the box, resulting in a penalty which was converted. This kicked the boys into gear and their passing game started, creating some good chances but nothing clear cut to have a chance to level the game. 1-0 at halftime.

The team started the second half with more confidence than the first but another goal scored by Berwick against the run of play dampened spirits. To their credit the boys kept fighting, which saw  Tana Betera score a goal to keep the crowd on the edge of their seats, but it wasn’t to be; the task of having to come back from multiple goals down proving too much this time, resulting in the boys tasting defeat for the first time in this campaign.

Billy Whitmore, Joe Stewart, Hamish Dastey and Dylan Dunstall were noticeable performers.


All three teams have a rest this weekend for a league catch up round, before an away trip the following Sunday.


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