Support Our Sponsors - Stomping Ground Brewery

We have some great sponsors this year - let's support them in return.  A new partner for Brunswick Zebras in 2017 is Stomping Ground, the  new brewery in Collingwood.

Spectators who come to the senior men's home games may have noticed we have great beer on tap - courtesy of Stomping Ground.  Having a refreshing ale at the clubrooms is a great way to sample some of the extensive range of beers that Stomping Ground has available at its home at 100 Gipps Street Collingwood - just off Hoddle Street.

As well as numerous beers there is a great menu available from lunch until late with meals matched to beers (and yes, there is also wine available). 

Our recent visit matched a French Saison lager with both mussels and with a spicy beef salad - a very good value lunch in very pleasant surroundings.


For more info click HERE.




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