2017 Registrations Now Open



Online Registrations are now open. To secure a place in the teams please complete the online registration as soon as possible and come down and see us on any of the registration days.

Registrations this year will need to be completed via the National Online Registration System; MyFootballClub. The system allows players to register and pay online. Please go to www.myfootballclub.com.au

As part of this registration you will have a choice to pay online or at the club, either way an invoice will be emailed to you which needs to be printed. Please bring it with you to one of our registration days for confirmation of registration. 



The club will be holding registration/information days at the club rooms on JT Gray Reserve on the following dates:-

Saturday 4th February 2017 from 10am to 12.00pm

Thursday 9th February 2017 from 6pm to 7.30pm

Thursday 16th February 2017 from 6pm to 7.30pm  



Please note the online packages DO NOT include the playing strip this year.  Returning players can use last seasons uniform or new strips can be purchased at the club for $55 for a full kit incl. shirt, shorts and socks. If you need a new strip, please come to the club on one of the registration days to order and make payment. 

The Williamstown Player Registration form still need to be completed, signed and returned to the club.  This is for our records and is to ensure that the Spectator/Parent code of conduct, photo and injury policies have been has been sighted and signed by every family.

In the meantime if you have any queries regarding this process or any other matters please email us on juniors@williamstownsc.com

We look forward to seeing you all back for an exciting 2017 season,


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