Daniel and Stephen Drum (Drummy and D3) are taking part in a charity walk from Canberra to Sydney (via Wollongong) that is being organised by the Temora Apex club during the dates of March 8th till 16th, 2008.
The distance covered will be 320km's over the 9 days. At this stage there are four volunteers that have said they will walk the total distance, and many more take part in single days of the walk.
Drummy and D3 are two of those walking all the way.
The aim of the walk is to raise money and awareness for the following excellent cause:
To help build a Livelihood Centre for poor people that currently live in and around the rubbish dumps in Cebu, Philippines. An Australian charity called Bethlehem Communities Australia (BCA) is already building a village that will provide housing for up to 2500 people who currently live and scavenge on the rubbish dump. But simply giving people housing to live in does not fully solve the problem for people who have only ever scavenged from day to day to survive. People need life and working skills so as to be independent and able to provide for themselves.
Hence BCA have given us a project to help build a three story livelihood centre for the village which will help teach the people living, working, and community skills that will allow them to be self-sufficient and not have to rely on scavenging to live. The building will be completed in 3 stages with each stage costing around $25,000 AUD to complete. Hence it is proposed that Apex will look to raise $25,000 as an initial target (more if possible of course), and then a tangible building and community outcome will be achieved rather then simply donating money to BCA. If this walk does not raise that amount, then it will simply become an ongoing project of Apex.
In terms of tax-deductibility, any money raised for the Livelihood centre will definitely be fully tax-deductible.
To donate, I have set up a bank account with Westpac... so you can do it by direct debit if that is best for you (make sure you put your name in the subject area so we know who it is from if you want a tax receipt).
Here are the bank account details:
* Name: Stephen Drum Charity Walk
* Bank: Westpac
* BSB/Account Number: 032763 154821
Or if anyone needs to send it by post then send it to:
* Apex Club of Temora
* PO Box 200
* Temora NSW 2666
Contact D3 about this on: 0418 655 037
And if you have any ideas of corporate sponsorship (maybe you might work with a company that might be interested in getting behind this... it would be good advertising for them, they would have a concrete project at the finish that they helped realise, and of course the fact that they will be doing something very charitable) then definitely tell D3 or Drummy about it. It would be very much appreciated!!
As long as the cheque/ money order is made out to apex charity walk, it will be accepted. If you do want to donate and want a receipt please email your address and phone number and amount to: apexcharitywalk@gmail.com
Last Modified on 26/03/2008 15:42