The Club has Insurance cover with Jardine Lloyd Thompson - AFL National Risk Protection Program.
Insurance: What to do in the event of a claim
Non Medicare Claims
Firstly report the claim to Echelon. Claims are to be first lodged with Echelon within 180 days of the injury occurring. This can be done one of three ways:
Download - by downloading a claim form. You will need to send the claim form to us with any medical accounts for reimbursement;
Online - by completing an online claim form (available only for the current period of cover). You will need to post the physicians statement and other documents; or
Phone - by phoning Echelon on 1800 640 009 (this is a toll free number from anywhere in Australia). Claims staff will send a claim form to you for completion.
In all cases you will be allocated a claim number which should be detailed on any future accounts or correspondence relating to the same claim.
Important information
After $200 worth of treatment from an ancillary provider a referral from a legally qualified medical practitioner must be obtained.
Forward only original receipts (retaining a copy for your own records).
Claim on your Private Health Insurer FIRST if you have Private Health cover, and send their Statement of Payment with your claim.
Please do not send Doctors', Surgeons', Anaesthetists', X-Ray or MRI Scan accounts as they are covered by Medicare. The Health Insurance Act (Cth) 1973 does not permit the Trustee or the Insurer to pay any part of these accounts.
Firstly report the claim to Echelon. Claims are to be first lodged with Echelon within 180 days of the injury occurring. This can be done one of three ways:
Loss of Income Claims
Firstly report the claim to Echelon. Claims are to be first lodged with Echelon within 180 days of the injury occurring. This can be done in any one of the three ways outlined above.
Important information
The elimination period is 14 days.
You must be in permanent or regular casual employment at the time of injury.
Other cover benefits do not need to be exhausted prior to claiming on this section.
The Attending Physicians Report must be completed by the practitioner who attended to you i.e. Doctor/Physiotherapist/Chiropractor; if a fee is charged for completing this section, that fee will be borne by the claimant.
Your loss of income claims must be covered by a Medical Certificate for the full period of disability.
For tax implications we recommend that you seek the advice of a qualified tax consultant. You may be required to pay tax on any Loss of Income benefit received.
Firstly report the claim to Echelon. Claims are to be first lodged with Echelon within 180 days of the injury occurring. This can be done in any one of the three ways outlined above.
Capital Benefits Claim
If you wish to make a capital benefit claim or there is a potential for such a claim relating to permanent or partial disablement please notify Echelon immediately. Echelon claims staff will advise you on what you need to do next.
Public & Products Liability (including Professional Liability) and Club Management Liability Claims
It is essential that you notify JLT Sport immediately on 1300 130 373 of any claim or potential claim. It is also extremely important not to admit liability or discuss the matter with a third party. JLT Sport claims staff will advise you on what you need to do next.
For specific information on cover and the process for claiming, please visit:
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