Massive turnout for our Girls Open Training Session
Melbourne Victory and Young Matildas player Cindy Lay paid a visit to JT Gray Reserve last week for an open training session with Williamstown Soccer Clubs girls team.
The night was a massive success with a good turnout of more than 30 girls.
Last year was the first time in many years the club was able to field not only one but two Girls only teams.
To build on this success we have kicked off a number initiatives to promote and grow not only girls soccer in our club but also female participation in the sport.
The first step has been to form a club sub committee focusing on the girls teams and actively recruiting mums to help with coaching and refereeing.
During the season we will also be hosting a Ladies Day with a focus on women in the sport.
Our long term goal is to be able to field a Womens team to play alongside our Senior Mens team in the Victorian State Leagues.
A massive thanks to the FFV and of course Cindy Lay for helping us making this night a succes. We look forward to welcoming a lot of new female members over the coming seasons.
For more information or registrations please email
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