Boot Exchange Available

Come and trade your pre-loved boots for another pair through the boot exchange at the Sumner Park clubrooms.

Kids feet grow fast and very often a young player grows out of their boots which remain in very good condition.

If your child has grown out of their boots don't just leave them in the cupboard at home.  We have started a boot exhange where you can come and swap your CLEAN pre-loved boots for another pair of the right size. 

And even if you have bought some other boots, bring the pre-loved ones in and leave them for someone else. (Tie the laces togeteher so the boots stay as a pair.)  And if your child is new to the game check out the boot exchnage for their first pair of boots - you don't have to put in any boots in first year.

You'll see the box for boots in the clubrooms.

At the end of the boot exchange period in mid-April we will then give any remaining boots to the Reagan Milstein Foundation for distribution to kids without boots in Australia and overseas.


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