Many thanks to all who attended the recent AGM. It is with great pleasure that we let you know that the following people will be your committee for 2016 with all nominations carried unanimously. It is a big job and we are so thankful they have put their hands up.
It is set to be a big year for the club, with MFC celebrating its 50TH YEAR! We are keen to have as many people involved in the planning, so will be meeting on Wednesday December 2 at the club rooms from 7pm if you have any ideas or are interested in being involved. We will also be discussing life membership nominations. Hope to see you there!
President: Andrew Craig-Smith
Vice Presidents: Steve Noonan, Scott Hassan
Secretary: Janelle Clavant
Treasurer: Jacqui Garbett
Football manager: Bill Hammen
Sponsorship manager: Doug Brumby
Junior president: Mick Kist
Canteen manager: Mel Sheedy
Bar manager: Geoff Newstead
Finance manager: Sharon Dymond
General committee: Marci McKenny, Sarah Sidey
Last Modified on 30/11/2015 08:28