AGM - 2016 Commitee Roles

Any member that registered in the September emergency meeting for Lara United FC is eligible to apply for any position. Please email with your nomination. The roles available are as follows;


- Chair meetings

- Oversee all CoGG, FFV, Sub-Committee issues/discussions

- Liaise with community groups, create a recognisable brand within the community


- Manage all incoming/outgoing correspondence

- Manage grounds bookings, fixture changes, online results, etc

- Print/distribute team lists, player ID cards, medical forms etc

- Provide agendas/minutes for meetings


- Manage all day to day funds; payment of all accounts/invoices/coaches etc

- Create whole club budget (with committee assistance)

- Approve sub-committee budgets, purchase requests etc

- Approve all online registrations, payment plans etc


- Create/review sponsorship packages, organise ground signage

- Engage local/larger businesses to partner with the club

- Represent the club at commercial level

Community Liaison – Media/IT/Communication

- Social media; FB, Twitter, Instagram, Website

- Manage communication via all mediums – forward enquiries on etc

- Write match day and club reports wherever possible/requested (for club/FFV use)

- Liaise with newspapers/other media where necessary

Senior Sub-Committee VP

- Manage sub-committee and report back to executive committee

- Chair sub-committee meetings

- Assist president as required (attending GRFC/FFV discipline meetings etc)

- First point of contact for senior players/coaches

Junior Sub-Committee VP

- Manage sub-committee and executive committee

- Chair sub-committee meetings

- Assist president as required

- First point of contact for juniors players/parents/coaches

Government Liaison/Grants Officer – will engage no cost services person if necessary

- Identify, apply for and secure available grants

- Liaise with council/FFV/committee


- Manage sub-committee fundraising officers

- Organise and manage fundraising events



- as above

Registrar – will have start/end date as above

- Provide registration information to new/current club members/players

- Reports to Treasurer (re payments received, payment plan requests etc)


- train/coach appointed team, report to Head Mens/Women’s coach where necessary

Fundraising officer – targets to be set Exec committee, advised by Exec Fundraising officer

- Assist executive fundraising officer to run fundraising events for respective sub-committees


- Ensure grounds are prepared for game day; match balls, lines marked, nets etc

- Liaise with parks/rec at CoGG as necessary

- Ensure equipment/container/store room is organised/packed up properly

- Ensure teams are provided with all training/game day equipment including bibs, first aid,

cones etc

Miniroos coordinator (juniors)

- First point of contact for all Miniroos enquiries

- Liaise with Northern Hub committee/coaches re Miniroos galas etc.


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