Presentation Day - and Evening!
The junior presentation day for all age groups up to U11's will be held at the club rooms on Saturday 5th September from 8.30am to 12pm. There will be a free bouncy castle and a free drink and sausage sizzle for all the players.
There will be demonstration games for each age group followed by team Trophy presentations.
U7's - 8.30am
U8's - 9.00am
U9's & U10's - 10.00am
U11's - 11.00am
Igors Little Willies - 10.30am
Stick around afterwards and watch the Seniors and reserves as they take on North City Wolves in their last game of the season. Reserves kick off at 1pm and the seniors at 3pm.
As something new this year we are planning a presentation evening for the U12's to U14's.
The club and coaches look forward to seeing you all September 11th at the Williamstown RSL from 6pm.
Players are free and the cost for parents, family and friends is just $22.50 for 2 course set meal. Kids under 12 are $12.00.
Please book and pay at the club prior to the night.
Look forward to seeing you all there!
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