Big Win On Balfe Park

Club President President  Carlo Carli is jubilant about the outcome of a stoush with Moreland Council on the future of Balfe Park.

"Brunswick Zebras thanks all its players, volunteers, parents and supporters for their work to improve the club for local kids. Getting funding to upgrade Balfe Park demonstrated our collective strength. Now lets do it."

Despite $100,000 committed by the State Government, cold feet from some in Moreland Council looked like derailing the urgently needed upgrade.  Carlo and the club rose to the challenge of saving the project, running a campaign which convinced Councillors of the urgency and need for the upgrade once they saw the condition of the facilities.  The funds from the State Government were an election prtomise secured by local ALP Member for Brunswick Jane Garrett.

Carlo thanked Council for now supporting the project.

"Balfe Park pavilion will be renovated this year with the financial support from the State Government and Moreland Council. Brunswick Zebras especially thanks the CEO Nerina di Lorenzo and councillors Lambros Tapinos and John Kavanagh for their support and all the other councillors for coming on board to fix this valuable community facility", Carlo said.

Now the club is starting to plan the project in detail with a view to maximising the value of the total $200,000 in co-contributions from the State Government and Council.  Club members with relevant skills to assist in planning and costing the works are invited to contact Carlo if they can assist in the project.


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