Registration Information



Under 5sNew players have the option to nominate 2 players they would like to play with when registering online or alternatively they can submit a team request on any of the nominated registration information days to play with a group of friends or send the club and email - 

Teams will be restricted to a maximum of 7 players per team


Under 6s - New players have the option to nominate 2 players they would like to play with when registering online or alternatively they can submit a team request on any of the nominated registration information days to play with a group of friends or send the club and email - 

Returning players born in 2018 will automatically be registered to under 6s for a second season UNLESS a player wants to move to under 7s in which case we ask that they indicate this during the online registration by either registering in the appropriate age group or by answering the prompted questions or an email can be sent to or by indicating to the Club at one of the registration information days. Teams will be restricted to a maximum of 7 players per team


Under 7sThe club will try and maintain the original teams from '2023". Teams will be restricted to a maximum of 7 players per team. Players may submit a request to change teams by inidcating this while registering online and answering at the prompted questions or at any of the nominated registration information days or by email -


Under 8s - The club will try and maintain the original teams from "2023", however due to the requirement of additional players the club may allocate new players to these teams.  Teams will be restricted to a maximum of 10 players per team.  Players may submit a request to change teams by inidcating this while registering online and answering at the prompted questions or at any of the nominated registration information days or by email -


Under 9s - The club will try and maintain the original teams from "2023". Teams will be restricted to a maximum of 10 players per team.  Players may submit a request to change teams by inidcating this while registering online and answering at the prompted questions or at any of the nominated registration information days or by email -


Under 10sThe club will try and maintain all other original teams from "2023", however due to the requirement of additional players the club may allocate new players to these teams. Teams will be restricted to a maximum of 12 players per team. Players may submit a request to change teams by inidcating this while registering online and answering at the prompted questions or at any of the nominated registration information days or by email -


Under 11s - The club will try and maintain all other original teams from "2023". Teams will be restricted to a maximum of 12 players per team. Players may submit a request to change teams by inidcating this while registering online and answering at the prompted questions or at any of the nominated registration information days or by email -



NOTE: The Club will do our best to meet all team/player requests where possible. If no team request information is supplied players will be allocated as required to fill teams. 






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