2020 - Save Time and Register Online
Are You Ready for A Brand New Season
Yes, it hard to believe that 2020 is here.
Online registrations open on 3 January 2020 so log onto playfootball.com.au and register for the 2020 season. They will close on 9 February 2020.
Have you got your NSW Government Active Kids Voucher ($100) in 2020 yet?
NSW Government Active Kids Voucher ($100):
If you want to use the active kids voucher for soccer in 2020 then before you register please apply for the NSW Government Active Kids Voucher.
You must apply for your Kids active voucher number again in 2020. You cannot use the number you obtained in previous years.
The NSW Government provide the active kids voucher. The Active Kids Program provides an incentive to children enrolled in school (K – 12) to get involved in sport by providing an annual $100 voucher (limit of one per child per year only), which can only be used when joining an approved activity with an approved provider. Unanderra Hearts Soccer Club is an approved service provide.
Click on the link https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/ and use your service NSW account details and log in and apply for the voucher. If you don’t have an Service NSW account you will need to set one up. You will need to obtain your voucher number before you start your football registration to obtain the discount.
Do you own a business and your child plays for Unanderra Hearts?
Do you own a business or know of a business that can sponsor your child? The club has a bronze sponsorship option were the business becomes a Bronze sponsor for just $250, which includes your child’s registration fee. Contact the club’s treasurer for details. You can then use the active kids voucher discount for another sport?
Online registrations open on 3 January 2020 and they will close on 9 February 2020.
In 2019 FFA has introduced a new system called playfootball. The Play Football System is replacing MyFootballClub, therefore removing the need for participants to have an FFA number, by creating a Football Account linked to more than just their registration to play or participate in Football.
Please note that all players have to registrar on line. FNSW & FSC preference is that players register or re-register online. There is certain information that needs to be read and ticked by the parent when registering (i.e. code of conduct etc). We cannot do it on your behalf anymore.
You will need to upload a new photo for your child if playing for the first time.
Please ensure you read question as its asking if you played for Australian association last year. The answer will be Yes if you played in 2019 and never played before for first timers.
The fees are listed below. Your total fee depending on the package you select should total the amounts below. If you pay online add 1.8% merchant fee to the amount.
Club Fees for 2020 are as follows:
U6-U12 mixed: $170 if active voucher claimed less $100 = $70
U13G-U16G: $190 if active voucher claimed less $100 = $90
U13-U16 mixed: $190 if active voucher claimed less $100 = $90
Online- You can pay online on playfootball. There is a merchant fee of 1.1%.
Manual Payment via direct debit-
If you have not paid online (via playfootball) and selected manual payment then payment can be made via Direct Deposit.
Bank Details Commonwealth Bank
Acc Name: Unanderra Hearts Soccer Club
BSB: 062 644
Acc. Number: 10154407
Please use your child's FFA # and surname as your reference. If you have more than one child please email the registrar on registraruhsc@gmail.com with all players names, FFA # and online receipt number so payment can be processed. All payments must be made by 5 February 2019
Let’s start by saying "Welcome" to the world game. Our club is committed to you as a player, your family and the local community, promoting Fun, Development and Respect
All new players will need their birth certificate or passport to be sighted by attending one of the registration day at the times listed.
For first time registrants to football you can Create a Football Account for your child through this registration process. Refer to our PDF file titled Member Registration Football Account V1.0 below for information on this.
If you are ready then click on –
https://registration.playfootball.com.au/common/pages/reg/welcomeregplus.aspx?entityid=75474&id=73924 and click on get started and create your child’s football account. Refer to PDF file below for instructions.
Returning players have to access thier account they created on playfootball in 2019. So when you click on get started then log in to account with your child’s name, email. You will then be asked if the details they matched (your child) to the details you input are correct. If they are then you can proceed with registration. Please ensure you pick the correct package for your child’s age.
If you are ready click on –
https://registration.playfootball.com.au/common/pages/reg/welcomeregplus.aspx?entityid=75474&id=73924 and click on get started and create your child’s playfootball account for the 2019 season.
If you don’t remember your email contact the club via email at registraruhsc@gmail.com and we can provide you with the email that you input last year.
Once you have logged in:
a) Please check that all your child details are correct and up to date (i.e. contact and personal details) if necessary, making sure to complete all mandatory fields
b) Select the correct Registration Package that applies to your child.
c) Read and acknowledge the clubs Disclaimer (Terms and Conditions)
d) If you are not claiming the Active Kids Voucher discount then proceed to payment and invoice screen.
e) If you are claiming the active kids voucher discount, you will need to input your new 2020 active kids voucher number to get discount.
f) Please note it will be your responsibility to enter your active kids voucher code once you obtain it from Service NSW.
g) if the code is invalid the player must pay the additional $100 (i.e. full registration)
h) Then make payment via credit card or manual payment which will be made via direct debit.
All payments must be made by the 12th of February 2020. If your child is not financial they will not be allowed to trial for the competition teams or play in the competition.
Please note: For more information please contact our Club Registrar - Greg on his number 0434 551 231 or email registraruhsc@gmail.com
2020 Information Day
This year information day will be held at Wests Illawarra Leagues club Saturday 1st February 2020 (10am to 2pm). We will only be providing assistance on registrations. We will not be keying any registrations. No registrations will be processed manually. It has to be done online by you!
You can also attend if you want to purchase socks and shorts.
Please refer to the PDF file titled important dates-2020 on the home page of our website for all times and dates for grading (U12-U18)
MiniRoos (U6 – U9): After registering your child and payment made, the club will try to organise teams and coaches before the organisation day (dates are on the important dates-2020 page on our website) and will be on our Facebook site and Team APP. Please ensure your email address is correct when registering online as this will be used to organise the teams.
For those parents whose kids will be playing in U6 and U8 competitions this year, can you please attend on 1st February at Wests Illawarra leagues club. U6 at 11am and U8 at 12pm. Parents only. Given U6 are new and U8s because you are going to bigger teams we will try to organise teams
Please note that the Club may need to change these arrangements if the maximum number of available players is exceeded (U6-7: 7 players; U8-9: 11 players or if numbers need to be balanced between teams in that age group.
Mini Roos (U10-11) the club will again be conducting grading for the development teams in this age group. Please refer to PDF File titled important dates-2020 for grading dates. (number of max players allowed per team in U10-11: 12 players).
Keep an eye on the clubs Facebook page and club's Team APP for more information.
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