Ranges/Raiders seek artificial turf


Thomastown Raiders FC is an established club over 40 years old and is desperately in need of an artificial pitch.

Bundoora United FC has over 30 odd teams and was struggling on 2 grass pitches. They were allocated an artificial pitch by the Whittlesea Council to alleviate their problems. At a council meeting where the artificial pitch was granted by the mayor (Rex Griffin-at the time) stated that the council would support the next artificial pitch which would be built at Partridge St Reserve, Lalor.

Partridge St Reserve has been operating since 1970 and has helped populate other schools and clubs in the area and are currently experiencing similar problems to Bundoora United FC.

Thomastown Raiders FC has 32 teams and is a fast growing club. We are expected to train and play on two grass pitches at the reserve. Many training nights have been cancelled to preserve grounds which has disappointed our members.

Whittlesea Ranges Fc is an affiliated club who also share the grounds and are also experiencing ground shortages.

The club URGENTLY requires an artificial ground as it is becoming to expensive for the club to hire the overflow facilities at Harvest Home Road.
It is an absolute shame to pass on the costs to the community members wanting to play at our club.

Please show your support to Thomastown Raiders FC and Whittlesea Ranges FC



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