FSC Club Coaching Handbook
Football South Coast administers the junior football competition for 26 clubs geographically spread from Kiama, right through to Helensburgh. There is close to 8000 players within these competitions from the ages of 5 to 18 who are coached by our fantastic parents and volunteers.
Coaches at all levels play a crucial role in ensuring that football is an enjoyable experience for everyone, as well as laying the foundation for the development of better players.
Given there are so many parents and volunteers who dedicate their time to football as coaches, the team at FSC have developed two booklets to provide all of our coaches with the techniques to effectively train and coach players within our competitions.
Two booklets have been developed – one for players aged 5 to 9 and the other for players aged 9 to 13 and focus on the FFA national curriculum, specifically the discovery phase and the skills acquisition phase. Each coach is a significant part of our sport and integral in making football the great sport it is and these booklets will not only enhance the knowledge and understanding of our coaches but will also mean every junior in our competition will have access to great football.
To download these booklets please click on the links below:
FSC Club Coaching Handbook 5-9 years | Download |
FSC Club Coaching Handbook 9-13 years | Download |
For more information on the FSC Coaching Development Programmes please click here.
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