16 February 2014: Junior Registration Day
Football (Soccer) Club Williamstown registration day is on Sunday the 16th of February from 10am to 2pm. We welcome back all players from 2013 and also any new players that want to join. And, if you only want to take an initial look and check out the club to gather some information: please come and see us on the day!
Training will start in the first week of March on Tues/Wed/Thurs nights from 6pm to 7pm depending on the age group. These times may vary due to coach availability.
The first round of the season starts on Sunday the 27th of April and finishes on Sunday the 14th September.
Last year’s Small Sided soccer for 5-7 year old girls and boys will be on again also on Thursday night from 5pm to 6pm. An Under 7’s comp should be on later in the year once FFV confirm.
New players that want to “have a go” at football are welcome to come along to some training sessions free of charge.
We are also interested to hear from parents of children aged 3 to 5. Depending on the level of interest we will be running an indoor program for this young age group.
Please download and distribute the official flyer (click here)
Please contact Brett Blakemore (0407602875) for further details or check out our website www.fcwilliamstown.com.au or email any enquiries to info@fcwilliamstown.com.au
Find us at JT Gray Reserve, Kororoit Creek Road, Williamstown.
Clubhouse is inside fenced area, with gate entrance just past the Bus Stop.
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