Want to become a Referee?

Want to become a Junior or Senior FSC Referee in 2016?

If you are 13 years of age (turning 14 this year) or older you are eligible to apply to become a referee.

There are four levels to the refereeing accreditation process. New entrants begin by completing their level 4 certificate.

For more details for new entrants please go to FSC wesbite or click here.

For returning referees:

The Football South Coast Referees Council have determined the below mentioned registration fees for all Referees who wish to register with Football South Coast for season 2016. Returning Senior Referees Registration - $200

Included as part of your Registration fee, each member will receive the following items

1 pair of Socks
1 Referee polo shirt
1 Referee Spray jacket


Returning Junior/Community League and Women’s Referees Registration - $135

Included as part of your Registration fee, each member will receive the following items


1 pair of Socks
1 Referee Spray jacket

With a host of trial/friendly matches scheduled for early in the new year, it is highly recommended that referees register through My Football Club as soon as possible after 2 January 2016.

Payment will need to be made as soon as possible after registration. Please note, we have new bank (IMB) details:

Football South Coast
BSB: 641 800
Account #: 200744102

Once you have registered and paid your fees, please proceed to the equipment order form to outline the sizes for your respective 2016 apparel.

Please keep Friday 12 February free at this stage as this is the proposed date for the Annual Pre-Season Seminar (Date/Venue/Time – to be confirmed).

Renewing referees will receive an information pack early in the new year.

Please note that any referees that remain unfinancial will not be permitted to officiate at preseason matches.


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