Dear Beena Pride Member
Reminder that you, your family and friends are cordially invited to attend this year's MJFC Trophy Presentation / Family Day & AGM to be held at Beena Arena on Sunday 22nd September 2013.
Starting from 10am through to 4pm, there will be rides, sausage sizzle, icy poles, drinks and Bar (limited open times), handball competitions, activities, team trophy presentations, club life membership & major recognition awards, committee election nominations and the club agm.
MJFC Trophy Presentation Times & Program for the Day as follows:
10.00am - 10.15am U9 Blue
10.15am - 10.30am U9 Maroon
10.30am - 10.45am U9 Gold
10.45am - 11.00am U10 Gold
11.00am - 11.15am U10 Maroon
11.15am - 11.30am U11 Gold
11.30am - 11.45am U11 Maroon
11.45am - 12.00pm U12 Gold
12.00pm - 13.45pm Lunch Break & Bar Open
12.15pm - 13.45pm MJFC Annual General Meeting
AGM Welcome - Blair Beamish
Apologies & Confirmation of Minutes 2012 Annual General Meeting
Business Arising from Minutes & Correspondence
President's Report
Treasurer's Report & Presentation of 2013 Financial Statement
President - Present Tom Murphy & Craig McCallister Awards
President - Present Life Membership
General Business - Recognition of Continuing & Outgoing Committee Members
General Business - Recognition of Special Achievements (Individuals & Teams)
General Business - Recognition of Sponsors & Supporters
General Business - Recognition of Special Supporters - Mark Vulling (Auskick)
General Business - Recognition of Special Supporters
Election of Committee 2014
Closure of AGM
13.45pm - 14.00pm U13 Gold
14.00pm - 14.15pm U13 Maroon
14.15pm - 14.30pm U14 Gold
14.30pm - 14.45pm U15 Gold
14.45pm - 15.00pm U15 Maroon
15.00pm - 15.15pm U16 Gold
15.15pm - 15.30pm U16 Maroon
15.30pm - 15.45pm U17 Combined
15.45pm Raffle Draw
Lock in the date and invite as many friends as you want to come along and join in the day.
Last Modified on 25/02/2014 10:01