PEGSFC Senior Coach of the past three (3) seasons, Trent Cummings, is stepping down as coach due to family and work commitments. Everyone at PEGSFC congratulates Trent on the valuable role he has fulfilled guiding the Senior team and the club overall since 2011.
Trent began season 2011 as his first Senior coaching gig, which happened to be the clubs first season at The Runway, PEGS Sporting Fields in Keilor Park. Trent since led the senior team in 2012 and 2013, but with increasing work demands and a need for more family time Trent announced his decision just prior to the end of the season.
On behalf of all players, committee, sponsors and supporters we thank Trent for his passionate and focussed commitment to the role.
We hope Trent continues his connection with the club moving forward.
We will have an opportunity to all thank Trent at the 2013 PEGSFC Presentation Night coming up whch will be announced shortly.
Last Modified on 01/09/2013 21:02