Future ‘Socceroos & Matildas’ at Watsonia Heights

Match Day report for Saturday 27/07/2013

This is my first ever post match analysis, so here goes......

It was a fantastic morning for our U7’s to play their first match in our new program.
The players were very excited about playing and it showed especially in the first half.
I must admit I was quite nervous before the game as this was my first coaching assignment.
My nervousness was largely due to my two best (and worst) critic’s being at the game – my son Thomas who was playing and my older boy Kaleb who was observing.
After the game they were please with my efforts so that was good enough for me.

We had 7 players on the day so it worked out to 5 on the pitch ( no keeper) and two rotating off the “bench”.  It was great to see that our players were happy to come on and off the pitch with no fuss or drama. They were even high fiving each other as they came on and off the pitch.

We were leading at half time 3-2 and the players seemed quite happy with their effort. They played some really good soccer for their age.  They listened and carried out basic instructions the best they could and kept encouraging each other. I asked our players at half time to defend a little better as a team as the feeling of scoring a goal was far better than conceding one.

The players responded really well to my deep and high inspirational half time address by parking themselves on our goal line so as not to concede anymore goals.
This was met by much laughter from both sides of the supporters.

They game finished with the home team taking home the chocolates but all was not in vain.
Our players seemed quite happy to have played as my son described ‘a proper match’ despite not winning the game and had “heaps” of fun as this was the theme for the day.

I am sure over time the players will learn to concentrate for longer periods and continue to show the skills they are learning during the Saturday Skills program.

I feel proud to be the coach of this team and thank all involved for asking me to coach.

Well done to all the players!


Robert Kozul



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