Best and Fairest - Bill Dimovski Medal
On Thursday 29/09/2012, the club held the Best & Fairest evening, where the seniors and ressies were vying for the Bill Dimovski medal.
The medal is named after Bill Dimovski, who is a long standing member at the club, a past President and an amazing support to the club. He has been there through the good times and the hard times, always on hand to help out and do his bit for the club. It is only fitting that the Best and Fairest medal is named after him, and is awarded to the best player for the season.
The ressies medal was won by Daniel Markovski, who was nominated by his fellow players. Congratulations!!
There was a draw this year for the seniors. The medal was won by Stephen Camilleri & Koce Delev, who both finished on top with 22 points. Congratulations boys on an amazing year!!
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