Sydenham Park Re-appoints Sash Becvinovski and Alan Muscat in Season 2013
The Sydenham Park Soccer Club committee is delighted to announce the decision to re-appoint Sash Becvinovski as Senior Men’s Coach & Alan Muscat as Men’s Seniors Assistant Coach for season 2013.”
Both Sash & Alan have proven themselves as good coaches with strong results this year including the successful Promotion to State 2 NW league next season. The Senior Team achieved 17 Wins, 2 Draws and only 3 Losses. In addition, both have a strong work ethic on the training ground, prepare themselves professionally on game days and have a winning culture at Sydenham Park Soccer Club.
Also both gentleman have worked fantastic well with the Sydenham Park Committee and we wish them well in State 2 & for further success in Season 2013.
The club will make a decision on the Men’s Reserves Coaching role over the next few weeks.
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