Upper Swan JFC recently hosted the inaugural Swans District AFL 9's "Swan Valley Cup" Competition.
The eleven week competition took place each Friday evening from September 25 - December 2nd with games being held at 6pm, 7pm and 8pm. Eleven teams and approximately 130 boys and girls participated, with some players trying the sport for the first time. Teams in two age groups (12's & Year 4's) thoroughly enjoyed participating in the nine a side games. The concept was keenly supported by parents, players and coaches and has already attracted increased interest for season 2012.
Whilst teams were represented by Upper Swan, Chittering, Swan View, High Wycombe, Kalamunda & the Bulldogs we also welcomed a number of players from, Ballajura, Bassendean, Mazenod, Lesmurdie, Ellenbrook and various local primary schools. It provided a great opportunity to form new friendships and continue to grow our great game.!
Thank you to our regular team of umpires in Hamish More, Steve Thompson, Wade Babich, Steve Buxton and Rick & Aidan Anderson for their time and contribution in supporting this event. Likewise to Jan & Jason Davis for the tireless contributions they provide and their wonderful canteen service.
We would like also to acknowledge the support of the following for making the event possible.
- Upper Swan Junior Football Club
- Isaac Stewart, District Manager, Swans Districts Football Development Council
- West Australian Football Commission
- Marsh Insurance
We look forward to your future involvement in AFL 9's.
Upper Swan "Black Hawks" & "Eagles" celebrate!
Dee More
AFL 9's Co-ordinator
Last Modified on 07/12/2011 12:41