Dear Fellow Member, It is with pleasure that I invite you to the Old Essendon Grammarian Football Club's 2011 Annual General Meeting (‘AGM’) and enclose your Notice of Meeting. This year, the meeting will be held on Monday, 28 November 2011 at 7.30pm at The PEGS Playing Field, 127 Wright Road Keilor Park.
The AGM is an important event on the OEGFC calendar. It provides an update for members on the Clubs’s performance and offers an opportunity for you to ask questions and vote on the items of business. A key part of our approach to governance is to ensure that members’ views are heard and understood. The AGM provides an important forum to do this. Accessing the information: OEGFC produces a range of publications to inform our shareholders.
Documents are available in various formats – view online, download or be sent a paper copy – choices that allow members to receive information in the manner that best suits them.
AGENDA : Thursday, 20 October 2011 7.30pm Annual General Meeting commences Welcome to Shareholders – President. Review – President. General questions. Items of Business. Meeting closed.
Items of Business:
1. Presidents Report.
2. Financial statements and other reports.
3. Election of office bearers.
4. Life member nominations.
5. Ratify Junior football program.
6. Discuss and decide on Club name change.
7. Discuss and decide on jumper change.
8. Ratify Coaching Appointments.
Last Modified on 15/11/2011 15:17